Your Guide To Waxing Aftercare

Waxing is one of the most common forms of removing unwanted body hair. Whether you do it at home or in a salon, it is important to have proper after waxing care that will prevent the development of infections and give the best results. Have you already created your own after wax care guide? Follow our guidelines and enjoy a painless waxing experience. What not to Wear Choosing the right clothes is definitely one of the most important steps for after wax care. It is recommended to wear loose and breathable clothing that allows air to flow through your skin. Too tight clothing can cause sweating and lead to skin irritations, something all of us would like to avoid. Clothing and underwear made of artificial fabrics encourage your body to sweat, and it is well known that sweat is an ideal medium for the reproduction of various types of microorganisms that cause inflammation. Keep in mind that tight clothing...