All About IPL Photofacial: A Secret to Flawless Skin

Have you ever heard of IPL Photofacial Skin Care? If not, you are most likely missing out on one of the most revolutionary anti-ageing solutions for your skin. IPL Photofacial, a non-invasive skin therapy, is used to treat numerous skin conditions such as rosacea and acne scars. IPL Photofacial also treats various skin pigmentation such as brown spots on skin from sun damage. This article focuses on everything you need to know about IPL Photofacial so that you don’t miss out. How Does an IPL Photofacial Work? An IPL Photofacial is considered the most advanced of the different types of laser treatments for treating pigmented areas of the skin. The IPL Photofacial uses a cold air handpiece that emits a specific wavelength of light specifically designed to target unwanted pigmented areas on the skin. The intense pulsed light (IPL) device directs broad-spectrum, high-intensity flashes of heat into the skin. The heat converts the water and fat in the top layer of your skin to va...