All About IPL Photofacial: A Secret to Flawless Skin
Have you ever heard of IPL Photofacial Skin Care? If not, you are most likely missing out on one of the most revolutionary anti-ageing solutions for your skin.
IPL Photofacial, a non-invasive skin therapy, is used to treat numerous skin conditions such as rosacea and acne scars. IPL Photofacial also treats various skin pigmentation such as brown spots on skin from sun damage.
This article focuses on everything you need to know about IPL Photofacial so that you don’t miss out.
How Does an IPL Photofacial Work?
An IPL Photofacial is considered the most advanced of the different types of laser treatments for treating pigmented areas of the skin.
The IPL Photofacial uses a cold air handpiece that emits a specific wavelength of light specifically designed to target unwanted pigmented areas on the skin. The intense pulsed light (IPL) device directs broad-spectrum, high-intensity flashes of heat into the skin. The heat converts the water and fat in the top layer of your skin to vapour, which cools and creates a mild vacuum that gently plumps and tightens the skin.
What makes it more effective is that it applies Visible Light, not UVA or UVB, to targeted pigmentations of the skin, making it effective against brown spots or age spots and small areas of localized hyperpigmentation.
What Are the Benefits of IPL Photofacial?
The IPL Photofacial is a safe and effective non-surgical procedure for rejuvenating the skin. IPL Photofacial is non-ablative, meaning that it does not require damage to skin for treatment.
Photofacial targets and greatly reduces age spots, freckles, and red-brown patches. It aids in the treatment of rosacea and other skin discolouration and helps reduce acne and overall skin texture. Further, research shows a correlation between IPL Photofacial treatment and a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.
Photofacials can also be used to treat damaged skin, reduce the appearance of birthmarks and scars, and help to improve skin redness. These problems are caused by the overproduction of melanin in the skin. The IPL Photofacial is a fast, safe, and effective treatment for these conditions.
Similarly, IPL corrects broken capillaries on the face, neck, hands, and chest through thermal heat that breaks down the damaged capillary wall.
How Long Do the Results Last?
Because skin rejuvenation doesn't happen overnight, the results may seem modest on the first day. However, you can expect your skin tone to continue to improve for three-to-six months.
More importantly, you will notice improvements in the look and feel of your skin. Wrinkles become less noticeable, pores become smaller, acne scars lighten significantly, and red blotches often fade. Given enough time, you'll certainly begin to see the progress that excites you about this very simple treatment.
When the treatment is over, you’ll be left with a complexion that’s smoother and clearer. These results can last for years after the initial treatment if you follow your aftercare regimen.
Achieve Beautiful Skin Now
Unsightly pimples, dry patches, and ageing skin affect your appearance, self-confidence, and how others treat you. Achieving beautiful skin can be difficult. With so many products and procedures available on the market, it is difficult to know where to start.
Balsam Day Spa’s experienced professionals will help you achieve the best possible results by providing a customized treatment plan exclusive to you and your skin type. Get a professional consultation from Balsam Day Spa by calling us at 1-905-895-7777 or booking an appointment online.